- Sports
- Letters and Journalism
- Scuba
- None of these
- B
Pulitzer Prize first time awarded in 1917.
Communist Revolution took place in Russia in month of:
- October
- November
- December
- January
- a
The Apex elected body in Israel is called:
- Congress
- Parliament
- Knesset
- Shura
- C
Knesset is the Parliament of Israel.
Morocco and Spain are separated by:
- Pyrenees
- Alps
- River Rhine
- Strait Gibraltar
- d
Strait Gibraltar is a narrow strait which is 14.3 Km wide.
It connects the Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean Sea.
Indonesia and Malaysia are separated:
- Inaccessible Mountain
- Gulf of Malaya
- Malacca Strait
- Bearing Strait
- C
Malacca Strait is a border between two countries Indonesia and Malaysia which separates each others.
It covered 65000 Km2 area.
Canton is a city in:
- England
- South Korea
- China
- Germany
- C
Its also known as Guangzhou.
Its located on Pearl River.
Greenwich is located in:
- Scotland
- England
- France
- Holland
- B
Greenwich is a charming and historical area of London.
River Nile originates from:
- Lake Victoria
- Springs in Kenya
- Lake Nyasa
- None of these
- a
River Nile is located in Africa.
Its length is 6650 Km
Its second longest river of the world.
Benghazi is a city in:
- Iraq
- Morocco
- Syria
- Libya
- d
The area of Benghazi is 314 Km2
Which of the following is the landlocked country?
- Nigeria
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Sri Lanka
- C
Landlocked country is that country which have not territory with ocean.