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- Abstract Science
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- d
Senior Auditor (SA)
Senior Auditor (SA) Solved Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Senior Auditor (SA) Accountant General AG Office and Pakistan Military Accounts Department PMAD Current and Past Papers have been posted in this section. Our team updates ETEST Website regularly.
Debenture represents:
- Direct Share in business
- Long Term liability of a business
- Long term capital of a business
- None of these
- b
Current ratio is calculated to:
- Compare the current asset with past asset
- Measure the Liquidity of Concern
- Compare the current asset with fixed asset.
- None of these
- b
Leaders perform:
- Informational Role
- Informal Role
- Decisional Role
- None of these
- c
Income tax rates are the same for:
- Banking Companies
- Public Companies
- Tax Companies
- None of these
- a
Stratified Audit means:
- Purposively selected items for audit
- Randomly selected items for audit
- Items carefully selected for audit
- Group audit
- b
Process of costing is relevant to:
- Cement Industry
- Job Order Cost Oriented Projects
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Deferred Taxation is:
- Fixed Assets
- Fixed Liabilities
- Part of Owners Equity
- None of these
- d
Difference of Asset life period and Tax duration is called Deferred Depreciation.
Depreciation is provide on:
- Current Assets
- Fixed Assets
- Outward Charges
- None of the Above
- b
Assets are held for the purpose of:
- Earning Revenue
- Outward Charges
- Conversion into cash
- None of these
- a