- Vacation
- Vacations
- Vocations
- None of these
- b
Senior Auditor (SA)
Senior Auditor (SA) Solved Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Senior Auditor (SA) Accountant General AG Office and Pakistan Military Accounts Department PMAD Current and Past Papers have been posted in this section. Our team updates ETEST Website regularly.
Assets which convertible to cash are…
- Liabilities
- Capital
- Current Assets
- All of these
- c
Expenses, income, gains and losses comprises….
- Current Account
- Debit
- Nominal Account
- Credit Account
- c
Assets which have no physical existence but shown in books of account for long term… ?
- Tangible Assets
- Intangible Assets
- Current Assets
- No
- b
How many types of Pension Plans?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- c
There are five types of Pension:
Compensation Pension
Invalid Pension
Superannuation Pension
Retiring Pension
Family Pension
…….means identify recording and communicating information.
- Budgeting
- Management
- Accounting
- All of these
- c
Its Definition of Accounting.
During Rising price which inventory method provides lowest profit?
- Weighted Average Method
- None of the Above
- a
There are three methods of store inventory, which are:
LIFO (Last in First Out)
FIFO (First in First Out)
Weighted Average Method
Bid must be open:
- Privately
- Friendly
- Publically
- Nonce of these
- c
Bid must be submitted in:
- Packages
- Envelops
- Both A & B
- Nonce of these
- a
Bid Package mean:
An invitation to bid
Copy of the proposal construction contract
A form of bid guarantee with 5% actual cost
All Construction Plans
What is minimum response time for a bidder after advertisement?
- 5 days
- 10 days
- 15 days
- 20 days
- c
According to Procurement Rule 2014, There is 15 days response time for a bidder in case of national level bid and 30 days time for international level bid.