- Farz
- Wajib
- Sunnah
- Mustahab
- a
Sa’I is performed after Tawaf E Kaaba.
Sa’I is seven times travelling started from Safa and ends at Marwa.
Supporting Staff Moavineen E Hujjaj
This portion of Supporting Staff Moavineen E Hujjaj consist of All Solved Papers of Supporting Staff and Supervision Staff. Supporting Staff Moavineen E Hujjaj all Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCs of Supporting Staff Moavineen E Hujjaj are solved with detailed answers.
When is Wuquf at Muzdalifah?
- 9th Zulhijjah after Fajar Prayer
- 10th Zulhijjah after Zohar Prayer
- 10th Zulhijjaj after Fajar Prayer
- 11th Zulhijjaj after Fajar Prayer
- c
Pilgrims arrived at Muzdalifah after sunset on 9th Zulhijjah.
It is also called “Masharil Haraam”.
How many pebbles are required to be collected from Muzdalifah at minimum?
- 60
- 70
- 71
- 72
- b
At least 49 pebbles are needed.
At is precautionary measure to bring 70 pebbles.
When do the pilgrims depart for Arafat?
- 3 Zulhijjah
- 5 Zulhijjah
- 7 Zulhijjah
- 9 Zulhijjah
- d
Pilgrims leave Mina for Arafat on the morning of the 9th of Zulhijjah.
This day is known as “Yom E Arafah”.
How many days does the Short Hajj Scheme consist of?
- 18 to20 days
- 19 to 21 days
- 20 to 22 days
- 20 to 25 days
- d
The traditional stay is 38 to 42 days.
The date of arrival at Mina is ____
- 5 Zulhijjah
- 6 Zulhijjah
- 7 Zulhijjah
- 8 Zulhijjah
- d
Pilgrims performed Zuhar, Asar, Magrib, Isha and next Fajar Prayer in Mina.
Building Duty Officer is responsible for promptly dispatching unidentified goods to?
- Pakistani Embassy
- Complaint Resolution Center
- Lost and Found Cell
- Masjid E Haram
- c
What is meant by “Meeqat”?
- The place where pilgrims stay during Hajj
- The specific time for performing Hajj rituals
- The designated boundary or point where pilgrims must assume Ihram for Hajj or Umrah
- The specific route taken by pilgrims to reach Makkah
- c
Which of the following acts is not Fardh in Hajj according to the Hanafi School?
- Wuquf E Arafat (Stay in Arafat)
- Ihram
- Tawaf E Ziyarat
- Animal Sacrifice
- d
Which is the largest mosque in Mina?
- Masjid E Khayf
- Masjid E Nimrah
- Majid E Umer
- Masjid E Ayesha
- a
Al-Khayf is a village in Makkah.
The area of Masjid E Khayf is 20,000 m2.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered Fajar Prayer in this Mosque during Hajj.