- Tree : School
- Bread : Man
- None of these
- b
CTS Past Papers
All Candidate Testing Service (CTS) Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs of CTS are Solved with Short Detail. We Update ETEST Website on daily basis.
Passive Voice of “The baby has lost her doll”.
- Her doll had been lost by the baby
- Her doll has been lost by the baby.
- Her doll have been lost by the baby
- None of these
- b
بچی اپنی گڑیا کھو بیٹھی ہے
Fender Bender means:
- A small Car Accident
- A Truck Accident
- An Aeroplane Accident
- None of these
- a
Feel blue means:
- Feel Happy
- Feel Sad
- Feel Angry
- None of these
- b
She goes to her mother’s house off and on. What does idiom/phrase “off and on” means:
- Occasionally
- Eventually
- Often
- None of these
- a
It is certain that human beings …..latent power of which they are only vaguely aware.
- possessed
- possessed
- possess
- None of these
- c
_____your instruction, We have closed your bank account.
- According with
- In accordance with
- Guidance to
- None of these
- b
آپ کی ہدایت کے مطابق ، ہم نے آپ کا بینک اکاؤنٹ بند کردیا ہے
In which Surah the story of Qaroon is mentioned?
- Surah Al-Qasas
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Al Imran
- Surah Al-Kosar
- a
In which Surah the process of doing the Woozu is mentioned?
- Surah Al-Maida
- Surah Al-Mujadila
- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Al-Falak
- a
What according to the Quran is the root cause of Evil?
- Lying
- Murder
- Fraud
- Hypocrisy
- a