- Vatican City
- Maldives
- Monaco
- None of these
- a
Total area of Vatican City is 0.44 Km.
Biggest country in the world by area is Russia.
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Washington DC is the ………..State of USA.
- 48th
- 49th
- 50th
- None of these
- d
Washington is state of US.
Washington DC is not a state.
Washington DC is a district.
DC stands for District of Columbia.
Washington DC is capital of US.
FATF stands for:
- Financial Action Task Force
- Financial Authority Task Force
- Federal Agency Task Force
- None of these
- a
FATF was founded in 1989.
Its headquarter is located in Paris, France.
There are 39 members countries of FATF.
How many countries are declared nuclear powers?
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- c
United State (US)
United Kingdom (UK)
North Korea
Vitamin B exists in:
- Sea Food
- Seeds
- Fruits and Vegetables
- None of these
- b
Vitamin B exists in Meat, Sea Foods, Eggs, Dairy Products and etc.
Which of the following is the warmest ocean?
- Indian Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- None of these
- a
The temperature of upper layer of Indian Ocean remains between 19- 30 C.
The world is divided into how many time zones?
- 10
- 12
- 24
- 48
- c
These time zones are set by UTC.
UTC stands for Co-Ordinated Universal Time.
The instrument which is used to measure the blood pressure is called:
- Sphygmomanometer
- Barometer
- Spirometer
- None of these
- a
Sphygmomanometer was invented by Australian Physician Karl Samuel Von Basch in 1881.
Which light is more important for photosynthesis?
- Red Light
- Green Light
- Violet Light
- None of these
- b
Which blood group is rare in the human body?
- O
- AB+
- AB-
- None of these
- c
Blood Group O is called Universal Donor.