- Barometer
- Hydrometer
- Nanometer
- None of these
- d
Barometer is used to measure Atmospheric Pressure.
Hydrometer is used to measure specific Gravity.
Nanometer is used to measure very small things.
Rainfall Guage is used to measure Rainfall.
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Which of the following lens are useful in microscope?
- Convex lens
- Concave lens
- Curved lens
- None of these
Concave lens is thicker at the edges and thinner at the center.
Convex lens is thinner at the edges and thicker at the center.
In which of the following country equator passes?
- Pakistan
- Malaysia
- Kenya
- None of these
- c
Equator passes through 13 countries.
Which type of vitamin is used for human body through Sun?
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- c
Vitamin is also obtained from fish.
Which instrument is used to measure the oxygen level of the blood?
- Oximeter
- Thermometer
- Spirometer
- None of these
- a
Which of the planet moves fastest around the Sun?
- Venus
- Mercury
- Venus
- None of these
- b
Mercury rotation period around Sun is 87.97 earth days.
Which of the following gas is used in Refrigerator for cooling?
- Methane
- Ammonia
- Nitrogen
- None of these
- b
The waves which are used by the TV remote control are:
- TV waves
- Infrared waves
- Radio waves
- None of these
- b
Infrared waves are also called Infrared light.
Vitamin A creates ……deficiency in human body.
- Hair fall
- Rickets
- Night blindness
- None of these
- c
Deficiency of Vitamin C is a cause of Rickets.
Deficiency of Vitamin D is a cause of hair fall.
How much fluids per-day a man use?
- 2.7 litres
- 3.7 litres
- 4.7 litres
- None of these
- b
According to US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that a man can intake about 15.5 cups of fluids a day.