- 14
- 19
- 28
- 35
- a
There are total 14 states and 63 districts in Myanmar.
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What is ASEAN?
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- Associate of South Asian Nations
- Association of Southeast Nations
- Association of West Asian Nations
- a
ASEAN stands for “Association of Southeast Asian Nations”. ASEAN was formed in 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore and Thailand to promote political and cooperation.
Which country produced 25% Opium of entire world?
- Japan
- Afghanistan
- Myanmar
- None of these
- C
Myanmar produced 25% Opium of entire world. Myanmar is also the 2nd world’s largest Opium producer country.
How many varieties of rice are produced in Myanmar?
- 50
- 51
- 52
- 53
- c
There are 52 modern varieties of Rice produced there. The largest Agriculture of Myanmar is Rice that is 60 percent of whole crops.
What is Old name of Myanmar?
- Burma
- Rangoon
- Austria
- None of these
- a
The old name of Myanmar was Burma.
Myanmar is a country that is situated in Southern Asia.
Its old name was Burma that was changed to Myanmar in 1989 by Military Government.
Full name of Myanmar is “ Republic of the Union of Myanmar”.
How many approaches to study the IR?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- d
There are four distinct approaches to study the IR, which are:
Traditional Approach
Scientific Approach
Behavioral Approach
Systems Approach
What is IR?
- International Relations
- Internal Relations
- Intellectual Relations
- International Rules
- a
IR stands for “International Relations”. “IR is the study of foreign affairs and relations between states within the international System”. International Relation is a branch of Political Science.
What is MBFR?
- Most and Balanced Force Replacement
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction
- Manual and Balanced Financial Report
- None of these
- b
MBFR stands for “ Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction”. Its an agreement on disarmament.
What is NIEO?
- New International Economic Order
- Now International Economic Order
- Non International Economy Order
- None of these
- a
NIEO stands for “New International Economic Order”. Its and Economic Concept.
Which countries are called Industrialized Countries?
- G7
- G8
- G9
- G10
- a
G7 countries are called Industrialized countries, which are: