- Dextrose Water
- Dextrose Saline
- Ringer Lactate
- c
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
What is route of insertion of N/G (Nasogastric) tube?
- Through mouth into stomach
- Through mouth into duodenum
- Through nose into stomach
- Through nose into duodenum
- c
Which of the following is used for urinary catheterization?
- Foley’s catheter
- Pig tail catheter
- Nelton catheter
- T-tube catheter
- a
Most common used local anesthetic agent is:
- Bupivacaine
- Lidocaine
- Prilocaine
- Mepivacaine
- b
Lidocaine is also written as Ligocaine.
A child of 5 years is booked for herniotomy. He is giving permission to operate. What to do to fulfill medico-legal requirement of consent?
- Child consent is enough
- Parent should give consent
- Surgeon should give consent
- No need of consent in herniotomy
- b
A device used to give controlled shock to a patient when heart suddenly strops or rhythm is abnormal, is called:
- Cardiac Monitor
- Defibrillator
- Laparoscope
- Oximeter
- b
The process by which sterile surgical site is separated from non-sterilic area is called:
- Scrubbing
- Draping
- Gowning
- Sterilization
- b
Which of following statement is True regarding joint?
- It’s an attachment of cartilage with bone
- No movement is possible at joint
- Shoulder joint is a synovial joint
- There is no joint in vertebral column
- c
Glass is attacked by ____, which is used to make designs on glass by process called etching.
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Hydrobromic Acid
- Sulphonic Acid
- b
Grignard’s reagent react with carbon dioxide and form additional product, which on hydrolysis in acidic medium given ____
- Alkene
- Alkyl halide
- Ketone
- Carboxylic Acid
- d