- Advanced
- Developing
- Developing
- Third World
- a
G7 was founded on 25th March 1973.
G7 member countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US.
Old names of G7 were Library Group, G6 and G8.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
The chemical formula of carbon dioxide is:
- 2CO2
- CO3
- CO2
- 2CO3
- C
Carbon Dioxide is a chemical compound.
The molar mass of Carbon Dioxide is 44.01 g/mol.
First page of a website is known as:
- Home Page
- Front Page
- Central page
- Bookmark Page
- a
Amnesty International is an International Non-Governmental Organization focused on:
- Animals Rights
- Poverty Alleviation
- Human Rights
- Environmental Protection
- c
Amnesty International was founded on 28th May 1961.
Its Headquarter is located in UK.
There are more than 10 Million Members & Supporters of this Organization.
Pakistan joined the United Nations Organization in:
- 1947
- 1919
- 1951
- 1955
- a
UNO stands for United National Organization.
UN was founded on 24th October 1945.
Pakistan joined UN on 30th September 1947.
Which of the following was the first country to recognize Pakistan?
- England
- China
- Iran
- Saudi Arabia
- C
There are 52 countries who recognized first Pakistan’ Sovereignty in 1947.
France was the first country to fly the Flag of Pakistan.
The natural satellite of a planet is:
- Moon
- Spacecraft
- Stars
- Sun
- a
Natural Satellite is any celestial body that revolves around the larger body.
The national currency of China is called:
- Yen
- Renmibi
- Both A & B
- None of these
- C
The capital of China is Beijing.
China shares land border with 16 countries.
In Pakistan seats of National Assembly are distributed among the provinces based on:
- Resources
- Education
- Area
- Population
- d
National Assembly consist of 342 seats.
Punjab 183
KPK 43
Sindh 75
Baluchistan 17
Federal Area 02
Minorities 10
Choose the word / phrase nearly Opposite in meaning to the word in Capital letters. If you RIDICULE someone you do not_____him.
- Accept
- Appreciate
- Like
- Hurt
- b
Ridicule تضحیک
Appreciate تعریف