- Transcription
- Replication
- Translation
- All of the Above
- b
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
What is synonym of “Modest”?
- Humble
- Kind
- Clever
- None of these
- a
Modest معمولی
Humble انکسار
An example of flower pollination by water is:
- Grass Species
- Hydrilla Plant
- Conifers
- Chestnuts
- b
Organelles that help in the storage of secretary products and modification and packing of secretary products:
- Ribosomes
- Lysosomes
- Golgi Apparatus
- Endoplasmic
- c
Type of Coal containing lowest concentration of carbon is:
- Anthracite
- Bituminous
- Lignite
- Peat
- c
The large thin walled , elastic and Muscular sac, lied dorsal to the ventricle:
- Epicardium
- Consus Artries
- Artrium
- Sinus Vinosis
- b
What is opposite of “Generous”?
- Sharing
- Misery
- Crispy
- Helpful
- b
Generous فراخ دل
Misery غربت
What is opposite of “Decency”?
- Decent
- Rudeness
- Recent
- Crescent
- b
Decency با تہزیب
Rudeness نامناسب
What is opposite of “Brandish”?
- Conceal
- Reveal
- Appear
- Reveal
- a
Brandish شوخا پن
Conceal چھپانا
What is opposite of “Conformity”?
- Flouting
- Consonance
- Uniformity
- Harmony
- a
Conformity ہم آہنگی
Flouting اچھالنا