- Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)
- Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)
- Hassan Bin Sabit (R.A)
- None of these
- a
Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) is the single Sahabi who’s name is mentioned in Quran.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
“Syed Ul Shuhada” title was given to which Sahabi?
- Umar (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- Hamza (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- c
Hamza (R.A) was uncle of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Hamza (R.A) was killed by Wahshi Ibn E Harb, slave of Hind bint Utba.
The Constitution 1956 was abolished in which year?
- 1958
- 1962
- 1973
- 1985
- a
First Constitution of Pakistan 1956 was abolished by Ayub Khan on 7th October 1958.
Which of the following country gifted the Statute of Liberty to USA?
- China
- Germany
- France
- India
- c
The Statute of Liberty was given to USA from France on 19th June 1885.
It was friendship gift from France to USA.
Abu Jehal was killed in which Ghazwa?
- Ghazwa E Badar
- Ghazwa E Uhad
- Ghazwa E Khandaq
- Ghazwa E Ahzab
- a
Ghazwa E Badar was fought on 17th Ramzan 2nd Hijri.
Abdullah Ibn E Masood Killed Abu Jehal.
What is duration of Caliphate of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)?
- 2 Years 2 Months 01 Day
- 2 years 3 Months 01 Day
- 3 Years 2 Months
- None of these
- b
Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) was first Caliph of Islam.
Usman Ghani (R.A) Caliphate tenure was longest tenure among all four Caliph.
How many total Surah in Holy Quran?
- 114
- 144
- 148
- 150
- a
There are 28 Surah Madni and 86 Surah are Makki.
Islam spreads in Sindh in Caliphate of:
- Umayyad
- Babar
- Orangzaib
- None of these
- a
Islam spread in Sindh with the entrance of Muhammad Bin Qasim in Sindh in 712.
Muhammad Bin Qasim was a 16 years young Commander of Arab Military.
What is the picture on the front of 10 rupees?
- Khyber Pass
- Badshahi Masjid
- Faisal Masjid
- Mohanjo Daro
- a
There is printed photo of Quaid E Azam and Khyber Pass Peshawar Photo.
Current 10 rupees currency note was introduced on 27th May 2006 in Pakistan.
Who was Viceroy of India during partition of Bengal?
- Lord Curzon
- Lord Mountbatten
- Lord Ripon
- Lord Linithgow
- a
Bengal was divided on 19th July 1905 by Lord Curzon.
Lord Harding cancelled this partition of Bengal in 1911.