- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- c
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Which one is different?
- 8
- 27
- 64
- 77
- d
Shoot means regarding Hajj is _____
- One Tawaf of Kaaba
- Start of Tawaf
- Start of Umrah
- None of these
- a
Tawaf is mandatory in Hajj & Umrah.
What is the name of place where the Sayee is started?
- Marwa
- Safa
- Arafat
- Muzdalifah
- b
Sayee starts from Safa and ends on Marwa.
What was the age of Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the time of Hajar E Aswad Incident?
- 30 Years
- 35 Years
- 40 Years
- None of these
- b
This event was occurred five years before the prophet’s prophethood.
Qurbani is made during Hajj at____
- Muzdalifa
- Arafat
- Mina
- None of these
- c
Qurbani is made during Hajj at Mina or Mecca.
Tawaf Al-Qudum is _____
- Wajib
- Farz
- Sunnah
- None of these
- c
"According to different schools of thought, Tawaf Al-Qudum is considered either Sunnah or Fard."
Tawaf Al-Qudum is known as “Welcome Tawaf”.
Anyone who enters Mecca for any reason, including Umrah, Hajj, Business or Visit performs Tawaf Al-Qudum.
What is meaning of Muqam E Mehmood?
- Station of Praise
- Station of Wealth
- Station of Knowledge
- None of these
- a
Muqam means “Place” and Mehmood means “Praise”.
Muqam E Mehmood is also known as “Praiseworthy Station”.
“Muqam E Mehmood is mentioned in Al-Isra Ayat No.79.
For how many times, a Muslim can perform Hajj in his life?
- One time
- Two time
- No Limit
- None of these
- c
Holy Prophet (PBUH) perfomed four Umrahs and 01 Hajj only.
Al-Multazim means:
- The place of holding
- The resting place
- The sitting place
- None of these
- a
Multazim means “Clinging”.
Multazim is a place between the door of Kaaba and Hajar E Aswad.