- (Measles I – Measles II) / Measles I * 100
- (Measles II*100)/Pentavalent
- Penta(Measles/100)*100
- None of these
- A
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
What is Drop Outs formula of Pentavalent?
- (Penta-PentaII)/Penta*100
- (Penta I – Penta 3) / Penta I * 100
- (Penta-PentaII)/Penta*100
- None of these
- B
What is Drop Outs formula of PCV-10?
- [PCV/100(10)*10/PCV*100]
- {PCV*(10)-PCV(10)3}/PCV*100
- [PCV(10)I-PCV(10)3]/PCV (10)I * 100
- None of these
- C
What is Drop Outs formula of OPV?
- (OPV-OPVII)*100
- (100*OPVIII)/OPV*100
- None of these
- A
What is Drop Outs formula of BCG?
- (BCG-Phemococal)BCG*100
- (BCG-Measles*I)/BCG *100
- (Measles-BCG)*100
- None of these
- B
How many parts of Needle?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- C
How much vaccines are included in Pentavalent?
- 02
- 03
- 05
- 07
- C
This vaccine should be store at 2 to 8 C temperature.
The dose route of Pentavalent injection is right thigh.
Pneumococcal Vaccine should be store at ______ temperature.
- 0 to 10 C
- 15 to 20 C
- 2 to 8 C
- None of these
- C
It should be use upto 6 hours after preparation.
Which vaccine is used against Polio?
- None of these
- A
OPV is an oral vaccine.
One Veil of OPV consist of 20 doses.
How many types of Asthma?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- B
Bronchial Astma
The cause of this asthma is shrinking of breathing veins.
Static Asthma
The causes of this asthma is heart problems.