- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- C
Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
How many lobes of Liver?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- D
Liver is located in abdominal cavity , beneath the diaphragm and top of the stomach.
RED stands for:
- Reaching Every District
- Reach Even District
- Reaching Every Distributor
- None of these
- A
RED Plan was introduced by UNICEF and WHO.
RED is a strategy to achieve 80% goal of immunization.
UNICEF stands for United Nations Children Fund.
WHO stands for World Health Organization.
CBV stands for:
- Certain Based Verification
- Common Based Vaccination
- Community Based Vaccinations
- None of these
- C
AFP stands for:
- Actual Flat Paralysis
- Acute Flaccid Paralysis
- Acute Face Paralysis
- None of these
- B
AFP refers to signs and symptoms instead of diagnosis.
VPDS stands for:
- Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance
- Value Preventable Disease Special
- Value Proper Deal Supranational
- None of these
- A
This book of standards provides information about progress in courtiers related to vaccination.
IPC stands for:
- Intermediate Personal Communication
- Inter Personal Communication
- International Performance
- None of these
- B
IPC is an exchange of information and feelings between two people.
PHC stands for:
- Personal Health Center
- Public Health Center
- Political Health Center
- None of these
- B
PHC is responsible for developing medical health standards on ground realities.
VVM stands for:
- Very Vail Monitor
- Value of Vail Monitor
- Vaccine Vail Monitor
- None of these
- C
Vaccine Vail Monitor provides information about how much reaches to vail.
There are four stages of VVM.
ILR stands for:
- Ice Lined Refrigerator
- Inter Lined Refrigerator
- Income Lined Refrigerator
- None of these
- A
ILR maintains the temperature between 2C to 8C.