- China
- Russia
- Japan
- C
First Satellite name was Sputnik-1.
It was sent to space on 4 October 1957.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Deficiency of Vitamin D is the cause of:
- Night Blindness
- Rickets
- Scurvy
- None of these
- B
Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night Blindness.
Deficiency of Vitamin B causes Beriberi and Anaemia.
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy disease.
Who discovered the Hydrochloric Acid?
- Jabir Bin Hayyan
- Al-Razi
- Al-Khawarzmi
- None of these
- A
Hydrochloric Acid is also known as Muriatic Acid.
Jibir Bin Hayyan discovered Hydrochloric Acid in 800 AD.
Chemical Formula of Hydrochloric Acid is HCl.
Sulfuric Acid also discovered by Jibir Bin Hayyan.
Chemical Formula of Sulfuric Acid is H2SO4.
What is distance between Earth and Sun?
- 100.25 million Km
- 151.76 million Km
- 125.65 million Km
- None of these
- B
The distance between Earth and Moon is 3,84,400 Km.
The distance between Moon and Sun is about 150 million Km.
What is diameter of Earth?
- 13785 Km
- 14575 Km
- 12742 Km
- None of these
- C
The radius of Earth is 6371 Km.
The land area of Earth is 148.9 million Km/sq.
How many layers of earth?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- C
The Holy Book of Jews is _____
- Torah
- Zabur
- Injeel
- Quran Majeed
- A
The Holy Book of Jews is Torah.
The Holy Book of Christians is Injeel.
The Holy Book of Muslims is Quran Majeed.
The Holy Book of ___________???
How many Ghazwa are mentioned in Quran?
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 18
- B
There are total 27 Ghazwat.
There are mentioned 26 names of Prophets in Quran.
افسوس کے جذبات کو ہمیشہ ________ کے ساتھ منسلک کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
- نفسیات
- دل
- شعور
- روح
- B
ایتھکس کے لحاظ سے ایک عمل _____ ہے اگر اس کے نتائج برے ہونے سے زیادہ اچھے ہیں۔
- غیر جانبدار
- غلط
- درست
- تمام
- C