- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fats
- B
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Which of the following bacteria used for the mining of oil?
- Azobacter
- E Coli
- Rhizobater
- Xanthomonas
- B
E Coli is a rod shaped bacteria.
Growth of a plant is affected by:
- Temperature
- Water and soil
- Temperature, Sunlight and Soil
- Temperature, Sunlight, Water and Soil condition
- D
Which one of the following methods of preservation shows down the growth of bacteria and fungi?
- Vacuum packing
- Canning
- Freezing
- Pickling
- C
Which of the following involve in bread and vinegar formation?
- Viruses
- Algac
- Fungi
- Microbes
- D
The bacteria Acetobacter Aceti is evolved in formation of Vinegar and Bread.
This bacteria has ability to convert Ethanol to Acetic Acid.
This bacteria was discovered in 1864.
This is also used in formation of wine and beer.
The second world war was a:
- Between two countries
- Global War
- Rebellion
- War of Independence
- B
Second World War was biggest in the history.
Almost 39 countries were involved in this war.
It was started on 1 September 1939 and ended up on 2 September 1945.
Which type of antibody is transferred from the mother to newborn through colostrums?
- IgA
- IgE
- IgG
- IgM
- C
IgG stands for Immiunoglobolin G.
IgG plays an important role against bacterial and viral infection.
IgG is the only single one antibody that can cross the placenta of a pregnant women to protect the fetus.
It is essential that all teachers _____ a minimum of a masters degree.
- Have
- Has
- Are
- Is
- A
یہ ضروری ہے کہ تمام اساتذہ کے پاس کم از کم ماسٹرز کی ڈگری ہو۔
The result analysis is due _____ Friday.
- At
- From
- Until
- On
- C
نتائج کا تجزیہ جمعہ تک روکا گیا ہے۔
The train is passing ____ the tunnel.
- In
- Into
- Through
- Over
- C
ٹرین سرنگ سے گزر رہی ہے۔