- Atlantic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Artic Ocean
- B
The area of Pacific Ocean is 165.2 million Km/seq.
Average depth of this ocean is 4280 meters.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics dealing with the____
- Properties of space and objects
- Addition, Subtraction and other such operations
- Solving triangles, squares and rectangles
- Study of parabola
- B
Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numbers using different operations on them.
Weather describes the condition of _____ at any time.
- The earth
- The land surface
- The atmosphere
- The Ionosphere
- C
Which of the following is the largest river?
- Jhelum
- Chenab
- Ravi
- Sutlaj
- D
The length of River Jhelum is 725 Km.
The length of River Chenab is 1200 Km.
The length of River Ravi is 720 Km.
The length of River Sutlaj is 1450 Km.
Which is the most famous water fall of the world?
- Niagra
- Congo
- Superior
- Baulkan
- A
The world’s highest water fall is Angel Waterfall.
Angel waterfall is located in Venezuela.
It’s height is 3230 feet.
First Surah in the Holy Quran is:
- Surah Baqarah
- Surah Fatiha
- Surah Al Imran
- Surah Ikhlas
- B
Last Surah of Holy Quran is Surah Naas.
Simly Lake is located near____
- Rawat
- Abbotabad
- Islamabad
- Rawalpindi
- C
The depth of Simly lake is 265 feet.
The season changes because of ____
- Earth is revolving around the moon
- Moon is revolving around the earth
- Earth is revolving around the Sun
- Earth is revolving around its axis
- C
Margalla Hills in and around Islamabad is a branch of ____
- Suleiman Range
- Karakorum Range
- Hindu Kush Range
- Himaliyas Range
- D
The area of Margalla Hills is 12605 Hecters.
The peak point of these hills is called Tila Charouni.
Who was called “The Islamic Coordinator”?
- King Fahad
- Z.A Bhutto
- Yasir Arafat
- King Faisal
- D
Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud was King of Saudi Arabia.
The Faisalabad city is based on the name of Shah Faisal.