- Beijing
- Tokyo
- Jakarta
- Washington
- B
Beijing is the capital of China.
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
Washington DC is the capital of USA.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
Pakistan’s largest trade partner is:
- Saudi Arabia
- China
- Japan
- B
How many Frontier Regions are there in FATA?
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
- A
There are seven tribal agencies and six frontier regions.
Where is Niagara Falls situated?
- USA & Canada
- France
- Norway & Sweden
- Russia & China
- A
Niagra Falls are situated between USA and Canada.
Niagra Falls is situated between New York and Ontario.
The height of Niagra Falls is 99 meters.
The biggest sports festival is:
- Sydney Olympics
- The Olympic Games
- Montreal Olympics
- Tokyo Olympics
- B
Olympic Games were held first time in 1896 in Athens.
Almost 40 games are included in Olympic Games.
Afghani is the currency of:
- Kuwait
- Kuwait
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- C
Afghani currency was introduced by Afghanistan in 2003.
The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul.
National flag of Pakistan was designed by:
- Amir Ud Din Khidwai
- Amir Ud Din Khidwai
- Amir Ud Din Khidwai
- Ch.Rehmat Ali
- B
Muhammad Ali Jinnah approved this design.
Government of Pakistan adopted this flag / design on 11 August 1947.
In which region Pakistan is located?
- Persian Gulf
- South West Asia
- Middle East
- South Asia
- D
There are total eight countries in South Asia which are Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Which city is called “Heart of Pakistan”?
- Lahore
- Abottabad
- Murree
- Islamabad
- A
Murree is called “White City” and “Queen of Mountains”.
Abbotabad is also called as “City of Pines”.
Islamabad is also called “City of Peace”
Faisalabad is also called “Manchester of Pakistan”
Karachi is also called “City of Lights”.
Glasgow (Scotland) is knows for the Industry of:
- Machinery
- Gold Mines
- Machinery
- Oil Refinery
- B
Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland.
Glasgow is third largest city in UK.
Glasgow is also known as “Second city of British empire”.