- Islamabad
- Lahore
- Peshawar
- Karachi
- A
Islamabad is current and third capital of Pakistan.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
The Great Wall of China is famous for being:
- Widest Wall
- Longest Wall
- Oldest Wall
- Highest Wall
- B
The Great Wall of China was start to built in 7 AD.
China is a country of East Asia.
When Turkey became a Republic?
- 1922
- 1923
- 1924
- 1925
- B
Turkey became Republic with the government of Ataturk on 29 October 1923.
“Gateway of Pakistan” is _____
- Peshawar
- Gawadar
- Karachi
- Quetta
- C
Which part is called “Land of Midnight Sun”?
- Chile
- China
- Japan
- Norway
- D
Some area of Norway get shun shine for a few days at midnight.
The capital of Australia is:
- Dhaka
- Colombo
- Canberra
- New York
- C
Canberra was announced as capital fo Australia on 12 March 1913.
What is synonym of “Slice”?
- Piece of Cut
- Spoil
- Fear
- Show off
- A
Slice ٹکڑا
Piece of Cut کٹ کا ٹکڑا
What is opposite of “Anger”?
- Range
- Calm
- Active
- Hard
- B
Anger غصہ
Calm پرسکون
What is opposite of “Huge”?
- Senior
- Junior
- Big
- Small
- D
Huge بہت بڑا
Small چھوٹا
What is opposite of “Appear”?
- Disappear
- Vanish
- Seem
- Unseen
- A
Appear ظاہر ہونا
Disappear غائب ہو جانا