- Chief of Army Staff
- Chief Minister
- Prime Minister
- President
- D
President of Pakistan is also the Head of Armed Forces of Pakistan.
Prime Minister is the Head of Parliament in Pakistan.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
The name of Pakistan was proposed by:
- Chaudhary Rehmat Ali
- Quaid E Azam
- Allama Iqbal
- Allama Iqbal
- A
Chaudhary Rehmat Ali proposed the name of Pakistan in January 1933 in a pamphlet “Now or Never”.
After Pashtun, which is the second largest ethnic group of Afghanistan?
- Uzbek
- Baloch
- Takjik
- Hazara
- C
Tajik occupied different areas of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan comprise 25% to 30% Tajik Population.
In which city Pakistan carried out its first nuclear test?
- Lahore
- Chaghi
- Karachi
- Rawalpindi
- B
Pakistan became Atomic Power on 28 May 1998.
Pakistan carried out first Nuclear Test in Chaghi, Balochistan.
Yom E Takbeer is celebrated on 28 May every year.
What is opposite of “Collect”?
- Scatter
- Repair
- Hard
- Avoid
- D
Collect جمع کرنا
Avoid اجتناب کریں
What is opposite of “ Buy”?
- Sale
- Sell
- Sail
- Purchase
- B
Buy خریدنے
Sell بیچنا
What is opposite of “ Freedom”?
- Power
- Slavery
- Ownership
- Independence
- B
Freedom آزادی
Slavery غلامی
What is opposite of “ Stop”?
- Delay
- Pause
- Start
- Unexcited
- C
Stop رک جاؤ
Start شروع کریں
What is opposite of “ Unique”?
- Peak
- Lonely
- Great
- Common
- D
Unique منفرد
Common عام
What is opposite of “ Front”?
- Back
- Finish
- Rare
- End
- A
Front سامنے والا
Back پیچھے