- Well Known
- Exposed
- Unknown
- Familiar
- C
Famous مشہور
Unknown نامعلوم
Unknown, infamous, Negligible, Unpopular are antonyms of Famous.
NTS Past Papers
All NTS Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website.
An instrument designed to testing the purity of milk is called:
- Hydrometer
- Monometer
- Milometer
- Lactometer
- D
Louis Heusner invented Lactometer on 8 May 1877.
He was a Physician.
Lactometer works on the Archimedes Principle.
CV is abbreviation of:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Curriculum Validation
- Control Voltage
- Constant Vitae
- A
CV is a short written summary of person’s career.
CV is a Latin word.
Resume is a French word.
The most abundant elements in sea water are:
- Sodium and Potassium
- Sodium and Calcium
- Sodium and Chlorine
- Chlorine and Iodine
- C
There are found six elements in sea water which are Chlorine, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur and Potassium.
Ph of sea water is 7.5 to 8.4.
Pakistan’s first Governor General was:
- Khawaja Nazimuddin
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Iskandar Mirza
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- B
First Governor General of Pakistan was Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Second Governor General of Pakistan was Khawaja Nazimuddin.
Third Governor General of Pakistan was Ghulam Muhammad Malik.
Fourth Governor General of Pakistan was Iskandar Mirza.
Rehana has been pursuing a career in a architecture ____ she graduated in May.
- Until
- When
- For
- Since
- A
ریحان مئی میں گریجویشن ہونے تک فن تعمیر میں اپنا کیریئر بنا رہی ہے۔
Our friend often come to ____ us.
- Saw
- See
- Sees
- Seen
- C
ہمارا دوست اکثر ہم سے ملنے آتا ہے۔
We ____ a lot of work yesterday.
- Did
- Do
- Done
- Does
- A
ہم نے کل بہت کام کیا۔
It was essential that we _____ the lease before the end of the month.
- Sign
- Signed
- Had signed
- Were signed
- A
یہ ضروری تھا کہ ہم مہینہ کے اختتام سے پہلے لیز پر دستخط کر دیں۔
The decoration of the new office block, including the furniture and curtains, _________
- Is more pleasing
- Are more pleasing
- Is most pleasing
- Have most pleasing
- B
فرنیچر اور پردے سمیت نئے آفس بلاک کی سجاوٹ سب سے زیادہ دلکش ہے۔