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- None of these
- c
All Testing Services Solved Papers
Which key is used to start a new paragraph in MS-Word?
- Tab Key
- Ctrl Key
- Enter Key
- Shift + Enter
- c
By default, One tab is equal to four spaces.
On which page the header and footer is printed by default?
- Odd Page
- Every Page
- Even Page
- None of these
- b
Header & Footer option is available in Insert Menu.
In Microsoft Word ruler is used ____
- To set tabs and Indents
- To change text formatting
- To select text
- None of these
- a
The ruler in Microsoft Word is used to set tabs, to change line’s indent or alignment.
Selection of text means:
- Select a word
- Selection of entire sentence
- Selection of Whole document text
- All of the above
- d
The shortcut key of Select All is Ctrl+A.
Which date of Zilhajj is called Yom E Arafat?
- 9th Zilhajj
- 10th Zilhajj
- 11th Zilhajj
- 12th Zilhajj
- a
What is the distance between Muzdalifah and Makkah?
- 03 Km
- 04 Km
- 05 Km
- 06 Km
- d
The distance from Muzdalifah to Arafat is 10 Km.
What would be the minimum age of a goat at the time of sacrifice during hajj?
- One Year
- Two Years
- Three Years
- Four Years
- a
The minimum age of a Goat and Sheep for hajj must be one year.
The minimum age of Cow must be two years.
The minimum age of Camel must be five years.
What are the dates in which Umrah is forbidden?
- 1 to 5 Zulhajj
- 5-7 Zulhajj
- 6 to 10 Zulhajj
- 9 to 12 Zulhajj
- d
What is the meaning of Ihram in terms of Hajj?
- To take slow breath
- To wear the cloths of Hajj
- To wear Shalwar Kameez
- None of these
- b