- Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
- Bano Qudsiya
- Ashfaq Ahmed
- None of these
- b
Raja Gidh was published in 1981.
All Testing Services Solved Papers
Short Term loan can be described as:
- If the period is less then one year
- Period should be one month
- Period should be 2 Years
- Period should be 15 days
- a
Long term loan consist of more then one year time period
Current Ratio is calculated as:
- Capital/Assets
- Current Assets/Current Liabilities
- Current Assets/Drawings
- Current Liabilities/Capital
- b
Current Ratio shows about the loss & profit of company to partners within a specific time period.
Income Tax rates are same for:
- Limited Companies
- Banking Companiesb
- Private Limited Companies
- None of these
- b
Audit of a bank generally conducted through:
- 31st of every month
- Weekly basis
- Routine Checking
- Balance sheet Audit
- c
DNA was discovered by:
- Watson & Crick
- Jacob & Monod
- Khorana
- Baltimore
- a
DNA is related to Biochemistry. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic
Watson & Crick discovered the Chemical structure of DNA in 1953.
DNA was discovered by Swiss Chemist Friedrich in 1860.
Source of financing of the Provincial Annual Development Program (ADP) is:
- Provincial Revenues
- Federal Financial Assistance
- Foreign Aided funds
- All of these above.
- d
While constructing Dam, flow of water reduces due to dredging of the bridge, this is cost is considered as:
- Direct Cost
- Tangible Cost
- Indirect Cost
- Intangible Cost
- c
Which Bank provided loan for making first budget of Pakistan?
- a
HBL provided 80 Million as loan for making first budget of Pakistan.
Stratified Audit sample means:
- Randomly select items for Audit
- Select All items for audit
- Select a single one item only
- None of these
- a
Stratification is an audit technique.