- St.Petersburg
- Red Square
- Moscow
- Stalingrad
- A
Saint Peteburg is the new name of Leningard whichis city of Russia.
The city was founded by Peter the Great in 1973.
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
“Broadway Street” of USA is famous for:
- Business
- Cinema Halls
- Stock Exchange
- None of these
- B
This street is located in New York State.
The length of this road is 53 Km.
”Tegel” is the International Airport of:
- China
- Germany
- India
- C
Tegel Airport is located in Berlin, Germany.
It opend for operational services in 1948.
“ANSA” is the news agency of:
- Italy
- Japan
- None of these
- B
ANSA stands for “Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associate”.
It was founded on 15th January 1945.
Its HQ is in Rome, Italy.
“Thomas Cup” is given in the game of:
- Polo
- Cricket
- Badminton
- Golf
- C
Thomas Cup is also called World Men’s Team Championship.
Thomas Cup was founded in 1949.
Thomas Cup is played under BWF.
BWF stands for World Badminton Federation.
BWF was founded in 1934.
There are 176 member counties in tn BWF.
Indonesia has won 14 Titles of Thomas Cup.
“Bread of the World” Institute which focuses on problems of poverty and hunger in the world, is based in:
- Italy
- New York
- Washington
- Geneva
- C
It was founded on 3rd August 1982.
The headquarter of EFTA is in?
- Paris
- Geneva
- Rome
- London
- B
EFTA stands for “European Free Trade Association”.
It was established on 3rd May 1960.
This trade was between 04 European States.
The first Asian Secretary General of United Nations was:
- U-Thant
- Vijay Lakshmi Pandet
- Tryve Lie
- Kurt Waldeim
- A
He held UN Office as Secretary General from 1962-1971.
Vijay Lakshmi Pandet was first female President of UNGA.
What is the Parliament of Denmark?
- Senate
- Folketing
- National Assembly
- None of these
- B
Folketing is also known as “Danish Parliament in English”.
It was founded in 1849.
It has total 179 members.
The duration of this assembly is 01 Year.
The currency of Portugal is:
- Dirham
- Peso
- Euro
- Zioty
- C
Dirham is the currency of UAE.
There are eight countries which used the Peso Currency.
Polish Zioty is the currency of Poland.