- Japan
- Denmark
- Norway
- Thailand
- A
Japan is a countyr of East Asia.
The capital of Japan Is Tokyo.
Japan is 11th most populous city of the world.
It was written between 10 to 13th Century.
The music for Japan’s anthem was composed in 1880.
“Kimi Ga Yo” became national anthem of Japan in 1888.
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
Antonym of Irrigate is:
- Raining
- Wet
- Dry
- None of these
- C
Antonym of Irrigate is dry, drain & parch.
Thomas Cup is associated with:
- Cricket
- Badminton
- Hockey
- Football
- B
Security Council members are:
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 30
- B
UNSC has 15 members.
05 members are Permanent
10 members are non-pemanent.
The Aayat of first revelation on Mohammad (PBUH) was from:
- Surah Al-Kosar
- Surah Al-Falak
- Surah Al-Alaq
- None of these
- c
First Revelation was consist of 05 Aayat.
The Muslims conquered Palestine during the caliphate of:
- Umar Farooq (R.A)
- Abu Bakkar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- A
Ibn-E-Batuta came to India from:
- Paris
- Morocco
- Samarqand
- Tashkant
- b
Ibn-E- Batuta came into India in 1334.
What is mean by Irrigation?
- Collection of Water
- Agriculture
- Raining
- Watering of Land
- d
The Land lying between the River Ravi and River Chenab is called:
- Sindh Sagar Doab
- Bari Doab
- Bari Doab
- Rachna Doab
- d
Length of Rachna Doab is 403 KM.
Which country has no Agriculture System?
- Singapore
- India
- Iran
- China
- A
Singapore is a country of Asia Continent.
The old name of Singapore was Temasek.
Singapore was previously part of Malaysia and separated in 1965.
Total population of Malaysia is 5.4 million.
Singapore is 176th biggest country of the world by area.
The area of Singapore is 733.1 Km Sq.
There is only 1% area of Singapore that has agriculture system.
There are 25 countries in the world that have no agriculture system or have less then 10% of its area for agriculture.