- Antarctica
- Sahara
- Arabia
- Magma
- a
Its area is 55,00,000 Miles.
Its located in the Continent Antarctica
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
The world’s famous Bridge “Golden Gate” is located in:
- Sydney
- San Francisco
- New York
- Mexico City
- b
Golden Gate Bridge was constructed in 1933-1937.
It is located in San Francisco, the city of California.
Its length is 1.7 Miles.
Which Surah of Quran consist of maximum Orders of Allah Almighty?
- Al-Toba
- Al-Bakarah
- Al-Kosar
- Al-Namal
- b
The name of this surah is on the base of Cow that is mentioned and discussed in this Surah of Quran.
Surah Ab-Baqarah revealed in Medina.
Surah Al-Baqarah is longest Surah of Qurah.
Surah Al-Bakarah Consist of 40 Ruku and 286 Aayat.
Longest Ayat of Quran is also mentioned in this surah of Qurah which is ayat no 282.
Which part of the world is called, “The land of free people”?
- UK
- France
- Thailand
- None of these
- c
Thailand is a country of Southeast Asia.
Its capital and largest city is Bangkok.
It has 76 provinces.
The five laws of Library Science were given by:
- R.J Meshwork
- S.R Ranganathan
- M.A Rondos
- None of these
- b
He represented five Laws of Library Science in 1931.
He was a Mathematician.
Bristol is a Sea Port of:
- Netherlands
- UK
- Japan
- Russia
- b
Bristol is located in England, UK
Pakistan is not member of the Following International Organization, identify:
- G-77
- D-8
- G-8
- d
G8 stands for Group of Eight.
Its member countries are USA, Italy, Russia, Japan, Canada, Germany, France and UK.
G8 is an inter-governmental Forum.
Who established the first public library of the world?
- Alexander the Great
- Benjamin Franklin
- Changaiz Khan
- Alauddin Khilji
- b
He established the first public library in 1731.
Where is the Library of Personal books of Quaid E Azam located?
- Karachi
- Ziarat
- Lahore
- Islamabad
- d
Maria Montessori is famous for her work in:
- Business
- Profession
- Education
- None of these
- c
She was an Italian Physician.
She introduced a unique education system for all Childs.