- Education Decade
- Eradication of Poverty
- Eradication of Terrorism
- Protection of Environment
- a
PPSC Past Papers
All PPSC Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) Questions are solved with detailed answers.
Word “Tsunami” belongs to language:
- English
- Japanese
- Indian
- Urdu
- b
Tsunami is also called Harbor Waves and sometimes Tidal Waves.
Antara is the News Agency of:
- Taiwan
- China
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- C
It was founded on 13th December 1937. Its headquarter is in Jakarta, Indonesia
Largest Landlocked country in the world is:
- Afghanistan
- Kazakhstan
- Bhutan
- Mongolia
- b
How many landlocked countries in Asia continent?
- 08
- 12
- 16
- 24
- b
There are 12 landlocked countries in the world which are Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
How many landlocked countries in the world?
- 40
- 42
- 44
- 46
- c
PMS stands for:
- Provincial Management Services
- Punjab Management Services
- Personal Management Services
- None of these
- a
The PMS exam was introduced in 2004 first time.
It was named PCS before PMS.
WAN stands for:
- World Area Network
- Wide Area Network
- Whole Area Network
- None of these
- b
What is shortcut key to hide one column in MS Excel?
- Ctrl + 1
- Ctrl + }
- Ctrl + 0 (zero)
- None of these
- c
Who invented the Printing Press?
- Jhon Watson
- John Guttenberg
- Jhon Carry
- Jeff Guttenberg
- b