- China
- Israel
- Pakistan
- North Korea
- a
Five countries have legally right to manufacture weapons which are China, France, Russia, UK and US.
STS SIBA Past Papers
All STS SIBA Testing Service (STS) Solved Current and Past Papers included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All STS Papers MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
British Parliament Upper House is known as:
- Senate
- Congress
- Bundesrat
- House of Lords
- d
British Parliament is known as House of Lords / Upper House / Second Chamber / House of Peers.
Total seats in Parliament of UK are781.
The 70% of 50 is:
- 35
- 30
- 25
- 20
- a
70% of 50
Material from which current passes through are called:
- Insulators
- Non-Metals
- Conductor
- Non-Conductors
- c
Material which does not allow to pass current is called Insulator.
Animals that eat only animals are called:
- Carnivores
- Omnivores
- Herbivores
- None of these
- a
Animals that eat plants only are called Herbivores.
Animals that eat plants or other animals are called Omnivores.
Amphibians lay their egg in/on:
- Nest
- Earth
- Water
- Mountains
- c
Amphibians are Frogs, Tods, Salamanders, newts and etc.
Amphibians lay their eggs on the top of water or in moist land.
The sky divers the parachutes to easily descends towards the earth because it:
- Decrease Air Resistance
- Increase Air Resistance
- Decrease Air Friction
- Speed Up
- b
Skydivers are pulled towards the earth due to force of gravity.
A force that stops things from moving easily is known as:
- Friction
- Fraction
- Fission
- Flocculation
- a
An Iron Nail can be magnetize by:
- Hammering on it
- Heating on a high flame
- Heating on a very low flame
- Passing an electric current around it
- d
Which of the following is not a magnetic material?
- Rubber
- Coin
- Iron Nail
- Paper Clip
- a