- 1979
- 1980
- 1982
- 1985
- A
Karakaram Highway is also called KKH.
Karokram Highway is also known as Friendship Highway in China.
Length of Karakoram Highway is 1300 Km.
All Assistant Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Assistant Post MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
International Day against “Corporal Punishment of Children” is:
- 28th March
- 30th April
- 30th April
- None of these
- c
BCC stands for:
- Basic Carbon Copy
- Blind Carbon Copy
- Before Carbon Copy
- Both Carbon Copy
- b
Surena Robot is manufactured by:
- Iran
- Egypt
- Pakistan
- India
- a
Surena Robot was manufactured by University Of Tehran, Iran.
Where is located Whitehaven Beach?
- Bhutan
- Australia
- Canada
- Egypt
- b
Its 7 km long island in Australia.
This island / beach was discovered by EP Bedwell in 1879.
Proton was discovered by:
- Ernest Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Richard Otamin
- None of these
- a
Proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1919.
How many bones in a human body?
- 206
- 208
- 210
- 212
- a
There are 300 bones in a new born baby.
What is synonym of Insane?
- Happy
- Mad
- Worried
- None of these
- b
Mad پاگل
Insane پاگل
Ctrl + N shortcut key is used for:
- Close Window
- Create New Document
- New Folder
- None of these
- b
You can create new document from file menu or New Document icon also.
What was relation of Umar (R.A) with Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- Father in Law
- Uncle
- Cousine
- None of these
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) married with Hafsa (R.A) daughter of Umar (R.A).