- Select the cells and choose Page Layout then Print Area
- Select the cells and choose File then Print Area
- Select Page Layout then Print Area
- Select View then Print Area
- a
Computer MCQs
Computer based MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All IT related or Computer related solved MCQs are included in this portion. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What will be the valid sorting order from the following?
- Ascending Order
- Greater Order
- Medium Order
- Final Order
- a
Ascending Order is valid sorting order, where elements are arranged from smallest to largest.
To open an existing presentation in MS Power Point, which will be the right choice?
- Choose Insert then New
- Press Ctrl + N
- Choose View then New
- Press Ctrl + O
- d
File menu is also used to open an existing file in MS PowerPoint.
Which is correct shortcut key to cut text in MS Word?
- Select text and press Alt + C
- Select the text and press Ctrl + X
- Select the text and press Alt + X
- Select the text and press Ctrl + C
- b
Ctrl + C is shortcut key of Copy.
Which shortcut key is used to create a new blank document in MS Word?
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + M
- Ctrl + C
- Alt + N
- a
New file in MS Word is also created from File menu.
Which menu should we used, if we want to add Clip Art?
- File
- View
- Help
- Insert
- d
To open Insert Tab in MS Word the shortcut key is Alt + N.
In MS Excel, for which purpose Ctrl + Z command is used?
- Zoom
- Repeat
- Undo
- Redo
- c
The shortcut key of Zoom is Ctrl + (+).
The shortcut key to repeat an action is Ctrl + Y or F4.
The shortcut key of Redu is Ctrl + Y.
To show presentation to audience what will be the right choice?
- Click on the Audience button
- Click on the Slide Show button
- Click on the Print button
- Click on Play
- b
This question is related to MS PowerPoint.
Slide Show tab is used for presentation.
The shortcut key of Slide show is F5.
If we type a word repeatedly in MS Office Document. What will be happened?
- Nothing will be happened
- It will underline repeated words with Green line
- It will underline repeated words with Red line
- It will remove duplicated words
- c
Grammar mistakes are underlined in MS Office with Green colour.
Spelling mistakes are underlined in MS Office with Red colour.
The shortcut key to check spelling is F7.
Which of the following is an email address?
- etest.electronictest@gmail.com
- www.etest.com.pk
- www.youtube.com/@ETESTJobs
- None of these
- a