- Close Document
- Close Document
- Open New Document
- Open Document
- C
Ctrl+F4 is used to close the document.
Ctrl+S is used to save the document.
Ctrl+O is used to open the saved document.
Computer MCQs
Computer based MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All IT related or Computer related solved MCQs are included in this portion. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
The brain of a computer system is:
- Memory
- Control Unit
- a
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
Types of Computer Memory are:
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- B
There are two types of computer memory:
Primary Memory(RAM,ROM)
Secondary Memory(Hard Drive, Disk Etc)
Main Types of software are / is?
- Request Software
- Application Software
- Application Software
- Both B and C
- d
Main circuit board of a computer is known as:
- Processor
- Motherboard
- Modem
- B
First Motherboard was invented by IBM in 1981.
IBM (International Business Machine ) is a computer manufacturing company.
Internet & Email are also called:
- Websites
- E-Commerce
- Communication
- None of these
- B
E-Mail stands for Electronic Mail.
E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce.
What is shortcut key for paste command?
- Ctrl+C
- Ctrl+Paste
- Ctrl+V
- Ctrl+F
- C
Shortcut key for copy is CTRL+C.
Large collection of files are called:
- Database
- Fields
- Records
- Sectors
- a
Which shortcut key is used to start paragraph from center?
- CTRL + B
- CTRL + R
- CTRL + L
- CTRL + E
- d
CTRL + B is used for Bold Words.
CTRL + R is used to write from right side of page.
CTRL + L is use to write from left side of the page.
HTML stands for:
- High Main Language
- High Markup Language
- Hypertext Markup League
- Hypertext Markup Language
- d
Tim Beners developed the “HTML” first time in 1990.