- 25000 Km2
- 26800 Km2
- 25800 Km2
- None of these
- c
Constable (FIA)
Constable (FIA) Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs of Constable Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) are Solved with Short Detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Cholistan Desert is also known as:
- Rohi Desert
- Thar Desert
- Kharan Desert
- None of these
- a
Cholistan Desert is located in:
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Balochistan
- b
The United Nations has…….principal organs.
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- c
General Assembly,
United Nations Security Council (UNSC),
Economic & Social Council,
Trusteeship Council,
International Court of Justice (ICJ),
The currency of Norway is:
- Krone
- Yen
- Dollar
- Lira
- a
Krone is represented by Kr.
Olso is the capital of:
- Japan
- Denmark
- Norway
- d
PEEDA stands for:
- Punjab Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability
- Personal Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability
- Pakistan Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability
- None of these
- a
PEEDA Act was introduced in:
- 1998
- 2000
- 2004
- 2006
- d
Troy is a legendary city of:
- China
- Rome
- India
- Turkey
- d
Cache Memory Works between:
- ROM & Hard Disk
- RAM & Processor
- None of these
- c
Cache Memory is a storage memory of computer that helps in future auto fill.