- Vatican
- Vietnam
- Afghanistan
- None of these
- a
UNO stands for United Nations Organization.
UNO was founded on 24th October 1945.
There are 193 members countries of UN.
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The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in…….
- Katmandu, Nepal
- Islamabad, Pakistan
- New Delhi, India
- Colombo, Sri Lanka
- a
Which is the capital of Angola?
- Luanda
- Manama
- Canberra
- Baku
- a
Angola is a country in Central Africa.
How many Judges perform duties in ICJ?
- 9
- 15
- 23
- 33
- b
ICJ stands for:
- Inter Court of Justice
- Interim Court of Justice
- Intermediate Court of Justice
- International Court of Justice
- d
The International Court of Justice is located in…….
- Paris
- The Hague
- New York
- Tashkent
- b
ICJ stands for International Court of Justice.
Its Headquarter is located in Hague, Netherlands.
Its main Organ of UN.
There are serving 15 Judges with 9 years term.
The area of Asia is…………Million Km/sq.
- 23.56
- 34.89
- 44.58
- 55.98
- c
The biggest Continent by area is:
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia
- Europe
- b
The area of Continent Australia is…………Million Km/sq.
- 7.688
- 8.356
- 5.645
- 4.256
- a
The smallest Continent (by area) of the world is:
- Antarctica
- Africa
- Australia
- Europe
- C
The area of Australia is 7.688 Milion Km2.
The biggest Continent by area is Asia.
The area of Asia is 44.58 Million Km2.