- Harmful
- Helpful
- Profitable
- Good
- a
Beneficial فائدہ مند
Harmful نقصان دہ
CTS Past Papers
All Candidate Testing Service (CTS) Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Website. All MCQs of CTS are Solved with Short Detail. We Update ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is opposite of “Fierce”?
- Docile
- Gentle
- Tame
- Mild
- a
Fierce شدید
Docile شائستہ
Though Aslam is poor, ____ he is honest.
- But
- Yet
- Still
- Neverthless
- b
اگرچہ اسلم غریب ہے پھر بھی ایماندار ہے۔
You should not be proud rather you should be ____ your conduct.
- Worried about
- Concerned about
- Ashamed of
- Unsustainable
- c
تمہیں فخر نہیں ہونا چاہئے بلکہ اپنے طرز عمل پر شرمندہ ہونا چاہئے۔
Where Port Palermo is located?
- Red Sea
- Tythenian Sea
- Adriatic Sea
- None of these
- B
Archery is the National Game of which country?
- India
- Japan
- India
- Bhutan
- D
Which country is called the Butter State of Asia?
- Iran
- India
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- C
Name the first Muslim who travelled in space?
- Prince Azhar Al Masud
- Prince Faisal Al-Masud
- Prince Salman Al-Masud
- None of these
- C
How many memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were signed between Paksitan and Turkey on 14th February 2020 during Turkish President visit Pakistan?
- 13 MoUs
- 14 MoUs
- 14 MoUs
- None of these
- A
United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres arrives in Pakistan for four days visit on _____
- 16th February 2020
- 17th March 2020
- 20th April 2020
- 20th April 2020
- A