- Give him water to drink
- Cold Sponging
- Both A & B
- Transport to cool place
- c
Rescue Scout should maintain ABC of unconscious patient of heart and transport to cool place.
A for Airway
B for Breathing
C for Circulation
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Rescue 1122 Current & Past Solved Papers have uploaded in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All EMT Rescue 1122 MCQs as well as trade related MCQs are included in this portion.This section is most helpful for all candidates of Emergency Medical Technician EMT Rescue 1122.
What should be the first aid of a fractured arm?
- Immobilize with any sold object
- Immobilize with the flexible object
- Keep moving the part slowly
- None of these
- d
Dont move fractured arm and try to use splint to support it.
What is meant by CPR?
- Cardio pulse response
- Cardio pulmonary response
- Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
- None of these
- c
CPR is an emergency procedure to save someone’s life if their breathing or heart stops.
What is the most important element while planning for emergency evacuating?
- Address of the building
- Building layout
- Training for first aid
- All of the above
- d
Diaphragm is a sheet of _____
- Bronchi
- Cardiac Muscles
- Smooth Muscles
- Skeletal Muscles
- d
A Diaphragm is a major muscles and thin layer of Skeletal Muscles.
How many of the Elements constituents 99% of the total human body?
- 04
- 06
- 08
- 10
- b
All six elements are Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Calcium, Nitrogen and Phosphorus.
Normal adult human male has ____
- 10 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- 14 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- 12 gram of hemoglobin / 100 gram of blood
- None of these
- b
Normal adult male has 14-18 g/dl.
Normal adult women has 12-16 g/dl.
g /dl stands for “Gram Per Deciliter”.
It’s medical term. A gram is equal to 1/30 of an ounce.
The one which is precursor of steroid hormones in the body of humans?
- Polypeptide
- Terpenoid
- Cholesterol
- None of these
- c
All Steroid Hormones are secreted by Cholesterol.
Steroid Hormones belong to class of chemical compound.
Photosynthesis pigments are organized in to clusters called ______
- Thylakoid
- Photosystem
- Reaction Centre
- None of these
- a
Thylakoid is a Greek word.
Thylakoid is a membrane where two types of functions occurred, first Photosystem and second Photostem.
The food which give an athlete instant energy is ______
- Vitamin
- Protein
- Butler
- Glucose
- d
Carbohydrates are the immediate and efficient fuel to the muscles.
Carbohydrate is called Glucose and its storage is called Glucogen.