- Respiratory System
- Reproductive System
- Digestive System
- None of these
- a
وہ عمل جس میں آکسیجن جسم کے اندر لے جائی جاتی ہے اور کابن ڈائی آکسائیڈ جسم سے باہر نکالی جاتی ہے ، اسے نظام تنفس کہتے ہیں۔
Inhaling / Inspiration
Exhaling / Expiration
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Rescue 1122 Current & Past Solved Papers have uploaded in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All EMT Rescue 1122 MCQs as well as trade related MCQs are included in this portion.This section is most helpful for all candidates of Emergency Medical Technician EMT Rescue 1122.
How many Cavities in a human body?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- d
Cranial Cavity
Thoracic Cavity
Abdominal Cavity
Pelvic Cavity
Spinal Cavity
The empty space between head is called:
- Vertebral Cavity
- Cranial Cavity
- Thoracic Cavity
- None of these
- b
سر کے درمیان خالی جگہ کو کرینیل کیویٹی کہتے ہیں۔
How many Extremities in human body?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- b
Upper Extremities (Shoulder Joint, Arm, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand)
Lower Extremities (Hip Joint, Thigh, Knee, leg, Ankle, Foot)
What is Supine?
- Lying Face Up
- Lying Face Down
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
سیدھا لیٹنا سپائن کہلاتا ہے۔
What is Prone?
- Lying face down
- Lying face Up
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
الٹا لیٹنا پرون کہلاتا ہے۔
Anatomical Plan consist of …..planes.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- b
Medial Plane
Transverse Plane
Frontal Plane
The whole human body is called Torso except:
- Neck, Legs & Arms
- Neck, Legs & Face
- Foot, Neck & Arms
- None of these
- a
گردن ، ٹانگوں اور بازو کے علاوہ بقیہ جسم ٹورسو کہلاتا ہے۔
How many systems of Human Body?
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- d
Respiratory System
Circulatory System
Digestive System
Uniary System
Female Productive System
Male Productive System
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Musculoskeletal System
How many types of Incident?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- a
Man Made Incidents
Natural Incidents