- Perfection
- Typo
- Judge
- Be right
- b
Mistake غلطی
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Speak”
- Be quite
- Listen
- Talk
- Sprout
- c
Speak بولو۔
Talk بات کریں۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Glad”
- Happy
- Dismayed
- Sad
- Unwilling
- a
Glad خوشی ہوئی۔
Happy خوش۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Always”
- Give Up
- Retain
- Forever
- Never
- c
Always ہمیشہ
Forever ہمیشہ کیلئے
The idiom “To tie the knot” means:
- To get married
- To get education
- To be turned away
- To hit someone
- a
شادی کے بندھن میں بندھنا
He was watching television when she ……in.
- Coming
- Come
- Came
- None of these
- c
وہ ٹیلی ویژن دیکھ رہا تھا جب وہ اندر آئی۔
He did not qualify …..the job.
- to
- for
- against
- with
- b
وہ نوکری کے لیے اہل نہیں تھا۔
I was very thirsty! ……the water very quickly.
- drank
- drink
- drinks
- drinking
- a
میں بہت پیاسا تھا! بہت جلدی پانی پی لیا
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Follow”
- Come After
- Expendable
- Lead
- None of these
- c
Follow پیروی
Lead قیادت
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Withdraw”
- Want
- Advance
- Need
- Reduce
- a
Withdraw نکالنا
Want چاہنا