- The wind
- Winds
- A Wind
- Wind
- D
Everyday Science MCQs
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All those reactions which take place in heat energy are known as:
- Exothermic reactions
- Combustion reactions
- Endothermic reactions
- Incineration reaction
- A
Exothermic is a chemical reaction that release energy in form of light and heat.
Burning or Candles, Rusting of Iron, Reaction of Water and Acid, Making of Ice cube, Burning of Sugar are examples of Exothermic Reaction.
The second lens of telescope called eyepiece has the ability to _____
- Store the image formed by the object lens
- Reduce the size of the image formed by the object lens
- Blur the image formed by the objective lens
- Magnifies the image formed by the objective lens
- D
Which of the following can be used to measure height above the sea level?
- Thermometer
- Altimeter
- Aneroid Barometer
- C
Altimeter was invented by a French Physicist Louis Paul.
When acid and alkali are mixed, they produce salt this process is known as:
- Acidification
- Neutralization
- Ammonification
- Nitrification
- B
Naturally tannic acid is present in:
- Sour Milk
- Vinegar
- Tea
- Soya Sauce
- C
Tannic is a weak acid.
Tannic Acid is found in deferent fruits, vegetables, nuts and tea.
Air pressure decreases with:
- Decrease in height
- Increase in height
- Vapor Pressure
- Increase in temperature
- B
Which of the following area around the equator receives the more heat from the sun?
- Arctic
- Polar
- Temperature
- Tropical
- B
During reading the scale, if eye is not placed directly opposite to the scale then the measurement will be incorrect. This is called:
- Parallax Error
- Zero Error
- Mencius Error
- Inaccuracy
- A
An instrument error is called Zero Error.
Which of the following salts is used in plaster of Paris?
- Ammonium Chloride
- Calcium Sulfate
- Sodium Chloride
- Potassium Nitrate
- B
Calcium Sulfate is chemical name of Plaster of Paris.
Plaster of Paris is synthesized from gypsum.
Gypsum is heated at 373K to get Calcium Sulfate.