- Milan
- Rome
- Naples
- Athens
- B
Colosseum Amphitheatre is also known as Flavian Amphitheatre.
Its located in the centre of Rome, Italy.
Its height is 48 Meter.
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Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called:
- Mesosphere
- Ionosphere
- Stratosphere
- Troposphere
- D
Troposphere starts from Earth’s surface and extends to 8 to 14.5 Km high.
The deepest point in the Pacific Ocean is:
- Java Trench
- Porto Rico Trench
- Mariana Trench
- None of these
- C
The average depth of Pacific Ocean is 4280 Meter.
Pacific Ocean is between Asia and Australia Continents.
Circumference of the Earth is around:
- 40000 Km
- 50000 Km
- 60000 Km
- 70000 Km
- A
Radius of Earth is 6371 KM.
Diameter of Earth is 12742 KM.
نظامِ شمسی کا سرد ترین سیارہ کونسا ہے؟
- وینس
- زمین
- پلُوٹو
- نیپچون
- D
ہمارے نظامِ شمسی میں فی الوقت سیاروں کی تعداد آٹھ ہے۔نیپچوں سیارہ سورج سب سے زیادہ دُور ہے اور اِسی وجہ سے یہ سب سے ٹھنڈا / سرد ترین سیارہ ہے۔اِسی لئے نیپچون کو آئس جائنٹ بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔نیپچون کا نارمل درجہ حرارت منفی 215 سینٹی گریڈ ہوتا ہے۔نیپچون سورج سے 4.47 بلین کلومیٹر کے فاصلہ پر ہے۔نظامِ شمسی میں سب سے گرم ترین سیارہ وینس ہے، جس کا نارمل درجہ حرارت 470 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ ہوتا ہے۔یاد رکھیں نظامِ شمسی میں موجود یورینس سیارہ سورج سے 2.94 بلین کلومیٹر کے فاصلہ پر ہے۔
The cheapest source of electricity radiation is:
- Nuclear
- Solar
- Hydral
- Thermal
- C
Heat received by the Earth from the Sun is known as:
- Solar Radiation
- Insulation
- Thermal Radiation
- Solar Heat
- A
The sunlight reaches to earth in 08 minutes and 15 seconds.
The book “Al Qanun fi al Tib” was written by:
- Al Beruni
- Ibn Rushd
- Ibn E Sina
- Jabir Bin Hayyan
- C
The real name of Bu Ali Sina was Al-Hussain Bin Ali Bin Sina Abu Ali.
Ibn E Sina is also known as Bu Ali Sina.
This book is also called the “Canon of Medicine”.
It was published in 1025.
Its original language is Arabic.
This book is available in mostly languages of the world.
This book was written on “Study of Medicine” and “Science of Surgery”.
Tolstoy was the author of famous book:
- Dark Continent
- War and Peace
- For Whom the bell tolls
- Idiot
- B
This famous novel was published in 1867
Asian Drama : An Inquiry into the poverty of Nations was written by:
- Thomas Pain
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Joseph Conrad
- Gunnar Myrdal
- D
This book was written after observation of 10 years about poverty in 1968.