- Excide
- Volta
- Fermi
- Mailman
- b
Battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1791. He belonged to Italy. He was a Chemist and Physicist.
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Etymology is science of:
- Words
- Insects
- Space
- Medicines
- a
Entomology is the study of Insects.
According to new research which is the oldest disease:
- Leprosy
- Malaria
- Plague
- Influenza
- d
Influenza Virus / Disease was discovered in 1933 by Smith.
Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Louis Pasture
- Galileo
- William Henry
- a
Sir Isaac Newton was an English Mathematician and Physicist.He published the Law of Gravitation first time on 5th July 1687.
Archipelago is a:
- Galileo
- Luis Pasture
- Cluster of Islands
- William Henry
- c
Archipelago is a Geological Feature Category.
Which of the fire extinguisher must not be used in case of electric base fire?
- Foam Extinguisher
- Halen Extinguisher
- Dry Chemical Extinguisher
- Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher
- a
DCP stands for Dry Chemical Powder.
Which of the following is the example of intrusive igneous rocks?
- Dykes
- Lava Field
- Volcanic Mountains
- Crystal
- d
Intrusive Igneous Rocks are also known as Plutonic Rocks.
The movement of air over the surface of the earth is called:
- Atmosphere
- Temperature
- Air Pressure
- Wind
- d
Elastic rebound explain “what happen to the crustal material on either side of a fault during _____
- An earthquake
- Rotation of earth
- Revaluation of earth
- An earth’s crust deform
- a
What do the convection current in the outer core cause?
- Causes earth rotation
- Causes earth revolution
- Cause clouded movement
- Causes earth magnetic field
- d