- O2
- N
- CO2
- None of these
- c
Everyday Science MCQs
All Everyday Science MCqs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded on ETEST Website. All Everyday Science MCQs are solved with complete detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
How many Layers of Atmosphere?
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- C
Ionosphere (Secondary Layer of Thermosphere)
The conversion of Solid to Liquid state is called:
- Boiling
- Freezing
- Melting
- None of these
- c
Liquid to Gas is called Vaporization.
Liquid to Solid is called Freezing.
Lightest Gas is:
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Nitrogen
- a
Radon is the heaviest Gas.
Heating to Milk at certain temperature for killing bacteria is called:
- Pasteurization
- Purification
- Both
- None of these
- a
The Pasteurization process is occurred less then 100 C.
Which Acid is used in Batteries?
- Sulphuric Acid
- Hydrocholoric Acid
- Nitric Acid
- None of these
- a
Jabir Bin Hayyan discovered the Sulphuric Acid.
Jabir Bin Hayyan was a Muslim Scientist.
مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کونسی تھرما میٹر کی قسم ہے؟
- پلاسٹک سٹرپ
- فار ہیڈ تھر ما میٹر
- ڈیجیٹل تھرما میٹر
- تمام درست ہیں
- d
ڈیجیٹل تھرما میٹر
فار ہیڈ تھر ما میٹر
پلاسٹک سٹرپ
گلاس انڈ مرکری
پیسی فائر
مندرجہ ذیل میں سے پانی کا فارمولا کیا ہے؟
- H2O
- H3O
- H4O
- H5O
- a
پانی کے فارمولا میں ہائیڈروجن کے دو ایٹم اور آکسیجن کا ایک ایٹم شامل ہے۔
An example of flower pollination by water is:
- Grass Species
- Hydrilla Plant
- Conifers
- Chestnuts
- b
Organelles that help in the storage of secretary products and modification and packing of secretary products:
- Ribosomes
- Lysosomes
- Golgi Apparatus
- Endoplasmic
- c