- Less than 10
- More than 20
- More than 30
- More than 15
- c
There are 32 Satellites.
Everyday Science MCQs
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MRI or CT Scan resulted from the image exploration of:
- Saturn
- Moon
- Sun
- Jupiter
- a
If an enclosed gas container with movable piston is heated. What will happen?
- No effect at all
- Volume will be increased
- Volume will be decreased
- None of these
- C
If the container of enclosed gas heated, what will happen inside the container?
- Gas will be condensed to Liquid
- Pressure will be increased
- Pressure will be decreased
- None of these
- d
Due to heated to gas the Volume will be increased.
An Optic piece of curved transparent glass that refracts the light in specific way is called:
- Lens
- Sparkle
- Plastic
- Fibre
- a
What is relation between Volume of a gas and Pressure?
- Equal to Pressure
- Directly Proportional
- Inversely Proportional
- Independent of Each Others
- c
The branch of science deals with use of living organisms such micro organism, animal cells and plant cell to produce useful products for humans is called?
- Chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Physics
- Astronomy
- b
The deoxyribonucleic acid is abbreviation of?
- c
Which system is responsible for communicate and coordinate for the body function?
- Skeletal System
- Respiratory System
- Nervous System
- Digestive System
- c
Cynobacteria is also known as?
- Red Algea
- Brown Algea
- Yellow Green Algea
- Blue Green Algea
- d