- A small Car Accident
- A Truck Accident
- An Aeroplane Accident
- None of these
- a
Instructor Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Instructor Papers are Solved with Short Detail.
Feel blue means:
- Feel Happy
- Feel Sad
- Feel Angry
- None of these
- b
She goes to her mother’s house off and on. What does idiom/phrase “off and on” means:
- Occasionally
- Eventually
- Often
- None of these
- a
It is certain that human beings …..latent power of which they are only vaguely aware.
- possessed
- possessed
- possess
- None of these
- c
_____your instruction, We have closed your bank account.
- According with
- In accordance with
- Guidance to
- None of these
- b
آپ کی ہدایت کے مطابق ، ہم نے آپ کا بینک اکاؤنٹ بند کردیا ہے
In which Surah the story of Qaroon is mentioned?
- Surah Al-Qasas
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Al Imran
- Surah Al-Kosar
- a
In which Surah the process of doing the Woozu is mentioned?
- Surah Al-Maida
- Surah Al-Mujadila
- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Al-Falak
- a
What according to the Quran is the root cause of Evil?
- Lying
- Murder
- Fraud
- Hypocrisy
- a
In which year, vowels inserted in Quran?
- 41st Hijri
- 42nd Hijri
- 43rd Hijri
- 44th Hijri
- c
Who was the first person who counted the Aayat of Quran?
- Ayesha (R.A)
- Fatima (R.A)
- Um E Salma (R.A)
- None of these
- a