- Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)
- Umar Farooq (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- d
Islamic Study MCQs
All Islamic Studies Solved MCQs are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All MCQs are taken from Current & Past Papers of different posts. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Hudaibiya agreement was signed in:
- 622 AD
- 624 AD
- 628 AD
- 630 AD
- c
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in January 628 AD or Dhul-Al-Qidah 6 AH.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was written by Ali (R.A).
Shortest Surah of Quran is:
- Surah Al-Kousar
- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Yousaf
- Surah Yaseen
- a
It is 108th Surah of Quran.
It consist of 3 Aayat.
It is Makki Surah.
“The place where Heaven & Earth meet”, These words are about which place?
- India
- Australia
- Israel
- Japan
- c
These words were said by Tel Hai.
Ishaq (A.S) is buried in which country?
- Palestine
- Iraq
- Iran
- Saudi Arabia
- a
Ishaq (A.S) and His wife are buried in Palestine.
Backbone of Islamic Financial System is:
- Roza
- Zakat
- Salat
- Hajj
- b
Zakat became obligation in which hijri?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- c
Soam is a Pillar of Islam and declared as obligation in which Hijri?
- 1st Hijri
- 2nd Hijri
- 3rd Hijri
- 4th Hijri
- b
Salat, Zakat and Roza became obligation in 2nd Hijri.
Hajj became compulsory in 9th Hijri.
Which alphabet is mostly used in Quran?
- Alif
- Laam
- Meem
- Noon
- a
Alif (ا) 43542 Times
Laam (ل) 38191 Times
Noon (ن) 27270 Times
Meem (م) 26735 Times
Waw (و) 24813 Times
For How many years Halima Sadia look after the Prophet (PBUH)?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- c