- Waqar
- Kamal
- Jamal
- Hussain
- b
Kamal > Jamal
Jamal > Hussain
Hussain > Waqar
Kamal > Jamal > Hussain > Waqar
Analytical Reasoning MCQs
All types of Analytical Reasoning MCQs have uploaded in this section. All Analytical Reasoning Questions are solved with detail. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
If Murshid is smaller than Azhar but taller than Aqeel, Who is the tallest of the three?
- Aqeel
- Murshid
- Azhar
- None of the above
- c
Murshid Aqeel
Azhar > Murshid > Aqeel
If Yesterday was Monday, What day is after Tomorrow?
- Monday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Thursday
- d
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Yesterday is Monday
Tomorrow is Tuesday
Tomorrow is Wednesday
Day after tomorrow is Thursday
Select the suitable relationship:Bridge: Cards :: ____, _____
- Dam: River
- Gamble: Money
- Image: Mirror
- Fencing: Sword
- d
Bridge is a game played with Cards just as Fencing is a sport played with swords.
Select the suitable relationship: Calligraphy: Writing :: ____, _____
- Music: Song
- Lyrics: Poem
- Dreams: Prose
- Chapter: Stanza
- a
Calligraphy is a decorative or artistic form of writing just as Music is an artistic form of a song.
Both are involved in artistic expression.
What number comes next in the following? LACK-9381 and CALK-8391 then what stands for CKAL?
- 3819
- 8319
- 8193
- 8139
- d
Please observe the CALK-8391
C for 8
A for 3
L for 9
K for 1
Which one of the four things below does not belong with the others?
- Horse
- Fish
- Camel
- Dog
- b
The Horse, Dog and Camel are land animals while Fish is an aquatic animal.
Four years ago, the average of son’s and father’s age was 27.5. Today, the ratio of their age is 5:16. Find out the son’s present age.
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- a
Suppose the present age of Sun is 5x and father’s age is 16x as mentioned in question 5:16.
Age of Son 4 Years ago=5X-4
Age of Father 4 Years ago=16x-4
The Average of their ages before 4 years ago=27.5
[(5x-4) – (16x-4)] / 2=27.5
(21x-8) / 2=27.5
21x -8=27.5*2
The age of Son was 5x as mentioned in question
5x=5 * 3=15 Years
A famous batsman scored a century in 38 overs. If he could keep up the same run rate, how many runs would be score in 47.5 overs?
- 125 Runs
- 150 Runs
- 175 Runs
- 130 Runs
- a
Century means 100
Century in 38 Overs
Run Rate=100/38=2.63
Rune Rate means Runs in 1 Over
Runs in 47.5 Overs= 47.5 * 2.63
Runs in 47.5 Overs=125 Runs
Which one the five things below is Most like these three: A Saw, A Hammer and A File?
- Bottle
- Pen
- Fork
- Screwdriver
- d
Screwdriver is is a tool same like as Saw, Hammer and File.
Screwdriver is also used for manual tasks just like other three.