- World Area Network
- Wide Area Network
- Whole Area Network
- None of these
- b
Computer MCQs
Computer based MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All IT related or Computer related solved MCQs are included in this portion. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
What is shortcut key to hide one column in MS Excel?
- Ctrl + 1
- Ctrl + }
- Ctrl + 0 (zero)
- None of these
- c
کمپیوٹر میں ایم بی کا لفظ ۔۔۔۔۔کا مخفف ہے؟
- میگلور بائیٹ
- مائیکروبائیٹ
- میگا بائیٹ
- ملی بائیٹ
- c
ایم بی ، میگا بائیٹ کا مخفف ہے۔
کے بی، کلو بائیٹ کا مخفف ہے۔
جی بی ، گیگا بائیٹ کا مخفف ہے۔
ٹی بی ، ٹیرا بائیٹ کا مخفف ہے۔
Which connects two similar network segments?
- Router
- Bridge
- Node
- Gateway
- b
Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway, Modem and etc are examples of Bridge Network devices.
A computer virus that replicates itself is called:
- Bug
- Worm
- Bomb
- Hoax
- b
Worm is also known as Malware.
Worm is a type of virus.
It effects the Software and Hardware of Computer System.
Which number system is used by computer?
- Binary
- Digital
- Decimal
- Analogue
- a
Binary Number System (BNS) has two digits only (0 & 1).
Each Binary Number is called a bit.
The network in which we connect each node to the network along a single piece of network cable is called:
- Ring network topology
- Bus network topology
- Star network topology
- None of these
- b
There are eight main topologies that are used in networking which are Hybrid Topology, Tree Topology, Mesh Topology, Ringh Topology, Bus Topology, Pin to Pin Topology, Star Topology and Daisy Chain Topology.
To select the entire column in Excel Worksheet, press…….
- Ctrl + Space
- Alt + Space
- Tab + C
- Tab + C
- a
To select the entire row in Excel Worksheet, press Shift + Space.
In order to close the active window / document in Microsoft Word, which combination of shortcut key is used?
- Ctrl + Z
- Ctrl + K
- Ctrl + W
- Ctrl + Y
- c
What is shortcut key for double underline in MS Word?
- Alt + Shift + L
- Ctrl + Shift + D
- Ctrl + Alt + L
- Alt + Ctrl + D
- b
The shortcut key for single underline is Ctrl +U.