- Faurty
- Forty
- Fourty
- Foerty
- b
Fourty is a wrong spelling.
English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the correct spelling :
- Tolerance
- Tolerence
- Tolerrence
- Tollarance
- a
Tolerance رواداری
Choose the correct spelling :
- Patence
- Patience
- Paitence
- Patiance
- b
Patience صبر
Choose the correct spelling:
- Statute
- Statutte
- Stattatute
- Satattute
- a
Statute قانون/ مجسمہ
What is Synonym of highlighted word in sentence? The king help “THE NEEDY” and poor.
- Destitute
- Resutute
- Delute
- None of these
- a
What is antonym of “Hardly”?
- Mostly
- Often
- Softly
- Sometimes
- c
Softly نرمی سے۔
Hardly سختی سے
What is antonym of “Bravery”?
- Cowardice
- Weakness
- Frailty
- Fall
- b
Bravery بہادری
Weakness کمزوری۔
What is antonym of “Closest”?
- Farthest
- Remotest
- Distant
- Stranger
- a
Closest قریب ترین
Farthest سب سے دور
What is antonym of “Original”?
- Sample
- Replica
- Duplicate
- Copy
- c
Original اصل
Duplicate نقل
Opposite Word: The central Part of Pakistan consist of “the fertile” green plains of the Punjab and Sindh.
- Deserted
- Barren
- Arid
- Saline
- b
Fertile زرخیز۔
Barren بنجر