- As
- Use
- Both A & B
- Care
I was a child my father used to take care of me.
میں بچہ تھا شاید والد میرا خیال رکھتے تھے۔
English MCQs
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Error Detection. You have to make someone to accept something.
- To make
- To
- Something
- None of these
- B
You have to make someone accept something.
آپ کو کسی کو کچھ قبول کرنے پر مجبور آمادہ کرنا ہو گا۔
Error Detection. Most People don’t wash their hands before they are eating.
- They are
- Most People
- Their Hands
- Before
- A
There is repeated preposition in sentence.
Most People don’t wash their hands before eating.
اکثر لوگ کھانے سے پہلے ہاتھ نہیں دھوتے۔
Error Detection. My teacher gave me a written speech; I practiced it oral.
- Written
- Speech
- Practiced
- Oral
- D
My teacher gave me a written speech; I practiced it orally.
میرے استاد نے مجھے ایک تحریری تقریر دی۔ میں نے اس کی زبانی مشق کی۔
Error Detection. There is some information about the funeral service.
- Information
- Services
- About
- Funeral
- B
There is some information about the funeral ceremony.
جنازے کی تقریب کے بارے میں کچھ معلومات ہیں۔
Find out the antonym of bracket word: I would like to know your father’s (profession).
- Unprofessional
- Vocation
- Career
- Duty
- A
Profession پیشہ
میں آپ کے والد کا پیشہ جاننا چاہتا ہوں۔
Find out the antonym of bracket word: Concept of law imposed command of sovereign (backed) by threat of punishment.
- Neglected
- Opposed
- Devoid of
- Rejected
- B
Backed پشت پناہی کی۔
Opposed مخالفت کی۔
Find out the antonym of bracket word: He used to fondly (recall) his grandfather.
- Forget
- Miss
- Absent
- Removed
- A
Forget بھول جاؤ
Recall یاد کرنا
وہ اپنے دادا کو بڑے شوق سے یاد کرتے تھے۔
Find out the antonym of bracket word: This students thank the manager and wald to the (next) stall.
- A coming straight after something space
- The others
- The present one
- Another in time and order
- C
Next اگلے
The Present One موجودہ
اس طالب علم نے مینیجر کا شکریہ ادا کیا اور اگلے سٹال پر گئے۔
Find out the synonym of bracket word: She (quickly) got up from the bench.
- Fast
- Soon
- Shortly
- Fastly
- A
Quickly جلدی سے
Fast تیز
وہ جلدی سے بینچ سے اٹھی۔