English MCQs
All English MCQs from Current & Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website. All English MCQs are solved with 100% Correct answer and also with Urdu translation. Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Most motorcyclists are very careful and drive (slow). Find Out suitable Antonym of bracket word
- Fastly
- Speedy
- Quickly
- Fast
- d
زیادہ تر موٹر سائیکل سوار بہت محتاط ہوتے ہیں اور آہستہ چلتے ہیں۔
Slow سست
Fast تیز
Helen Keller was woman of great (learning). Find Out suitable Antonym of bracket word
- Illiteracy
- Ignorance
- Secrecy
- Darkness
- B
ہیلن کیلر بہت پڑھی لکھی خاتون تھیں۔
Learning سیکھنا
Ignorance جہالت
(Exchange) your notebooks and read each other’s work. Find Out suitable Synonym of bracket word
- To give something to somebody and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them
- Give and Take
- To give or return something that you have and got something different or better instead
- None of these
- A
اپنی نوٹ بک بدلیں اور ایک دوسرے کے کام پڑھیں۔
Exchange تبادلہ
Many minerals were (found) from under the surface of the earth. Find Out suitable Synonym of bracket word
- Located
- Traced
- Extracted or Obtained
- Discovered
- C
زمین کی سطح کے نیچے سے بہت سے معدنیات پائے گئے۔
Found ملنا
Extracted or Obtained نکالنا /حاصل کرنا
The mouse is under the (log) in the corner. Find Out suitable Synonym of bracket word
- A thick place of wood that is cut from a tree
- Wood used for the fire
- Plank
- Timber
- a
ماؤس کونے میں لاگ کے نیچے ہے۔
I always (keep) my mobile phone on the top shelf. Find Out suitable Synonym of bracket word
- Hold Up
- Remain in a position
- Put or place
- To be safe and secure
- c
میں اپنے موبائل فون کو ہمیشہ اوپری شیلف پر رکھتا ہوں۔
Keep رکھنا
Put or Place رکھنا
(“Functional) language is used for making plans. Find Out suitable Synonym of bracket word
- Practical & Useful
- Utilitarian
- Possible and Important
- Having special purpose
- d
منصوبے بنانے کے لیے "فنکشنل" زبان استعمال کی جاتی ہے۔
Functional کارآمد
Having special purpose خاص مقصد رکھنے والا
Find out the Synonym of (bracket) word: If money (grew on) trees, everyone would be rich.
- To increase the size, quality or numbers
- To gradually begin to produce something
- To exist and develop in a particular place
- To make, Improve and Increase something
- c
Find out the Synonym of (bracket) word: I would go (mad). If I receive a billion rupees.
- Beside oneself if with Joy
- Mentally ill
- Not at all sensible
- Wild and excited
- a
Mad پاگل پن
Beside oneself if with Joy بہت زیادہ خوشی کا اظہار