- Jupiter
- Neptune
- Mars
- Venus
- D
Neptune is the darkest planet in solar system.
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38th Parallel line is a boundary line between:
- India & China
- South and North Korea
- Thailand and Malaysia
- None of these
- B
The shape of our Milky Way Galaxy is:
- Rectangular
- Spiral
- Irregular
- None of these
- B
The time taken by light to reach the Earth is:
- 08 minutes 15 seconds
- 07 minutes 15 seconds
- 06 minutes 15 seconds
- 05 minutes 15 seconds
- A
An extremely small piece of Silicon on which integrated circuits are fabricated are called:
- Hollerith Code
- Card Reader
- Feed
- Chip
- D
The planet with shortest daytime is:
- Jupiter
- Venus
- Earth
- Pluto
- A
Venus has the longest daytime as compare to other planets in solar system.
Oxygen by volume has a presence in the atmosphere of about:
- 21%
- 38%
- 49%
- 80%
- A
Oxygen 21%
Nitrogen 78%
Argon 0.93%
Carbon Dioxide 0.04%
Which one of the following was used as a chemical weapon in the first world war?
- Uranium 235
- Hydrogen Dynaide
- Mustard Gas
- Carbon Monoxide
- C
The chemical formula of Mustard Gas is C4H8Cl2S.
Its very toxic gas.
Strait of Gilbraltar connects the Atlantic Ocean with the:
- Arabic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Mediterranean Sea
- D
The Area of Mediterranean Sea is 2.5 Million Km2.
Its depth is 5267 Meter.
The colour of the water of Mediterranean Sea is Blue.
Grassland plains located in Argentina are called:
- Prairies
- Pampas
- Downs
- Steppes
- B
There are four types of Grasslands,which are: